Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken

Freeze Time Media released “Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken” on May 7, 2015.

Wake Up Bitch Front Cover May 6

“Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken” is a humorous look at the patients and staff at a state-run mental health hospital. Whether divinely driven or by serendipitous happenstance, John R. Booth, after a career in the pharmaceutical business, found himself working as a social worker at the largest mental health facility in his state. In his first book, Booth chronicles stories of some of his most memorable patients. His preconceptions of what the patients would be like began an almost immediate transformation upon his arrival. He had heard all the stories and seen all the movies that depicted these souls as dangerous mental defectives and was sure that his life expectancy would take a turn for the worse with prolonged exposure to the “crazy cooties” he knew they must be infested with. The first day his ideas of mental illness began the transformation from shock and revulsion to seeing humor in the patients’ distorted reality and their reactions and adaptation to this reality. Some patients were truly scary and dangerous. Sometimes they would say funny things, and other times they would say things funny. Dan, Poor Pitiful Paul, Doug the Firebug, and all the others are real patients, with real problems, who are really funny, if you just look for it. Whether it is midgets in the walls, misunderstood English, fast-talking Gilbert, or the psychobabble of Nurse Kiki, rest assured, you will not “sleep right through it.” This easy read will keep you turning pages, give you a new view of the mentally ill, put a smile on your face, and, in the end, you’ll see why John believes that his patients are some of the most precious people on earth.

The book is available on Amazon as paperback and an ebook.

Visit John R Booth’s Author Page to learn more about him.

The Darkest Night: A Novel on Reconstruction in the South

Freeze Time Media released “The Darkest Night: A Novel on Reconstruction in the South” on May 5, 2015. 

Darkest Night Front Cover

Author Joe Poindexter follows three disappointed Confederate soldiers as they leave for home in Arkansas after the last Civil War battle in North Carolina. As the three friends travel the poor country roads back west, they are exposed to the ravaged South and most of the major problems of the early Reconstruction period. The men observe the ruined Southland, the burned homes, farms, and plantations. They encounter homeless whites and numerous bands of wandering, freed Afro–Americans, all poor and hungry. Cruel Union soldiers and lawless Rebel soldiers, including deserters, only make things worse. And very quickly, the travelers realize that a new force has developed in their beloved Southland. The Ku Klux Klan has begun to fill the lawless void in the South. The question: is the Klan an ally or an enemy? Earl Forrest, with his wife, Emily, and a small daughter in Helena, Arkansas, worries constantly about his small family and their welfare. Al Emerson meets a beautiful, young woman who was raped during the war. She has a black child. But in love, he swears to return to Georgia in the immediate future and marry his new love, Rachel. The third soldier, Murlan Skidoff, known to his friends as “Squirrel,” worries about his older mother, father, and older sister, Mavis, and whether they survived the war. And finally, a black Rebel, Jim Washington, befriended by the white Rebs, will join up with the men and become a dear friend as they move back to their homes in Arkansas. Jim wonders how his mammy, a slave cook on an Arkansas plantation, is surviving after being freed. The four men will definitely come to realize that the Reconstruction era is one of the darkest periods in the history of the Southern United States.

This book is available through Amazon as a paperback and an ebook.

This is Joe’s third book. He is also the author of “Blue: A Novel on the Civil War,” and “A Divided State: A Civil War Novel.”

Visit Joe’s Author Page to learn more about him.