Hide n’ Seek With Grandma (New Children’s Book)

It’s always fun when Grandma plays with her granddaughters, Hailey and Leslie. Today the game is Hide n’ Seek. Can they manage to pick a perfect spot to hide?

Hide n’ Seek with Grandma, written by Ellen Pfaff and illustrated by Cristal Baldwin, is available as a hardcover, ebook, and as a coloring book.

Visit Cristal’s illustration page to learn more about her. Visit Ellen’s page to learn more about her.

Intent: A Practical Approach to Applied Sport Science for Athletic Development

Intent front coverFreeze Time Media recently published “Intent: A Practical Approach to Applied Sport Science for Athletic Development.” “Intent,” by Justin Roethlingshoefer and Devan McConnell,  takes you inside the world of two strength and conditioning coaches and how they continue to develop a holistic approach to sport science to work with their players to help them achieve their optimum levels of strength, power, and speed. Intent explains the different aspects of sport science to give players an edge and to assist head coaches in planning their practice and game strategies. Strength and conditioning coaches help provide head coaches with a physically and emotionally better-prepared athlete. This book does not talk about a set program but shows different components that enable strength and conditioning coaches to establish individual programming while maintaining team mentality. The methodology shared in Intent can be used from high school to all levels of professional sports. It takes a mindfulness on everyone’s part to make the elements of Intent work. It takes intent. When players and coaches are on the same page, that team can reach for the highest rung.

“Intent” is available in print through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers. It is also available as an ebook as a Kindle edition, as a Nook book, in the iBookstore, and at many more online outlets.

Visit Justin and Devan’s author pages to learn more about them.