Susan Tulio enjoys writing romances because there’s always a happy ending. “I got hooked on the steamy novels after reading the Flame and the Flower,” she says. “If I could, I’d travel all the time. Italy is my favorite.”
Susan plays tennis for fun and also loves to eat — pizza is her go-to food. When she’s not writing, you can usually find her watching TV. “My entire family cannot wait for the next season of Game of Thrones,” she says. “I’m also addicted to the Housewives franchise. It’s like watching a train wreck.” Her short story, “History Lessons,” is featured in The Lost Colony of Roanoke: A Collection of Utter Speculation, an anthology published in February 2019. Her short story, “The Secret,” appears in “The Jersey Devil: A Collection of Utter Speculation,” recently published by Freeze Time Media.