Cristal Baldwin / Flying Frog Studio

Cristal Baldwin is an accomplished children’s book illustrator from Central Ohio. She focuses on bright, whimsical children’s book illustration using watercolor and ink, bringing great children’s book scripts to life! Cristal is a proud member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She is the lead artist of Flying Frog Studio, creating beautiful artwork for clients since 2010.

Her illustrations appear in the following books published by Freeze Time Media:

Invisible She

Spilled Sprinkles

Gracie’s Razzle-Dazzle Day

Hide n’ Seek with Grandma

The Adventures of Ava and Addison: The Missing Baby Monkey 

The Adventures of Ava and Addison: A Very Special Christmas

The Adventures of Ava and Addison: The Talent Show

Rocky Mountain High (Bruno’s Amazing Adventures)

Fruit Family

Visit her Amazon Author Page and Flying Frog Studio for more information.