Married father of four, commodities trader, online entrepreneur, part-time real estate investor and full-time sports enthusiast, Frank Hamilton wants more out of life. Frank wants to create a series of novels featuring the life and exploits of the toughest and most hard-core private investigator working in American literature today.
With that in mind and knowing there are only two types of people in this world, those that run from a fight and those that run to a fight, Frank writes of private investigator Mark Witt, a man whose troubled soul leads him headfirst on a hundred-meter sprint searching for fights. Not exactly Philip Marlowe, not quite Alex Cross, definitely not Lucas Davenport, but perhaps closer to Spencer for Hire, Mark Witt is smart enough to find the bad guys, strong enough to take them down, and mean enough to get a couple of unnecessary roughness penalties along the way. In “Chapter and Verse,” published by Freeze Time Media in August 2013, readers learn two things about Mark Witt: he will go to any length to stop a serial killer, and if you screw with his family you will pay for it with your life.
So, Frank Hamilton asks, “Is that too much to want?” To be a happily married man (as if such a thing exists) and an ultra-successful writer? If it is, if perhaps it is deemed too much for one man to handle, then Frank can at least take comfort in the fact he was voted One of America’s 50 Most Beautiful People by People Magazine in 2004…okay, that’s not true, but Frank does still contend the voting was rigged that year as he was indeed looking pretty hot back then.