George Bailey’s Got Nothing On Me

Growing up on a traveling carnival and surrounded by a host of real life Damon Runyan and O Henry characters has proven to be a truly wonderful life for Cy Holliday, author of “George Bailey’s Got Nothing on Me: A Narrative History of the Holliday Family.”

The author’s paternal grandfather, father, and mother were instrumental in providing him a firm foundation for all of life’s challenges. From Broadway to carnival midways to the Atlantic City Boardwalk, these stories speak of a simpler time, but the life lessons are as applicable today as they were in the past. Mom was a Broadway star who worked with all the big band leaders of the 1930s and ‘40s. Dad was a carnie that grew up during the depression and lived by his wits. Grandpa was a carnie and a prizefighter. They and their friends formed the basis of what became the author’s life story, and a fascinating look at a different time in our country. Covering seven generations of the Holliday family from the 1700s to today, George Bailey’s Got Nothing on Me takes the reader on a unique genealogic ride with characters that are far from perfect and certainly not “politically correct.” Filled with individual triumphs and tragedies, it is as interesting a family memoir as you are likely to find.

“George Bailey’s Got Nothing on Me” is available in print and as an e-book.

Please visit Cy’s Author Page to learn more about him.


Take Care of #1 So You Don’t Step In #2: 7 Ways to Manage Yourself So You Can Effectively Lead Others

Freeze Time Media recently published “Take Care of #1 So You Don’t Step In #2: 7 Ways to Manage Yourself So You Can Effectively Lead Others,” by David Loshelder.  In his book, Loshelder will help you identify and ultimately overcome your psychological barriers by providing a strategy to defuse what he refers to as the gravity of life.

Loshelder’s premise is simple; once you recognize what is keeping you down, you can then break free and realize your dreams. Pulling from his own experiences as an elite athlete, as well as those from successful individuals in various fields, you will learn the system of success that Olympic athletes, astronauts, Special Forces, and business professionals use to consistently perform at the highest level. Honest and sincere personal development leads to true leadership: first, to lead yourself to where you want to go and be; and second, to lead others. Only then can you truly lead with confidence and competence.

The primary focus of this book is finding out what is actually hindering you from moving triumphantly toward your goals. Once you are aware of what is stopping you, the second part helps you build the solid foundation necessary to stand firm in order to reach your aspirations. Once you establish an unwavering basis, you then embark on seven steps to make your dreams a reality. So … go make your dreams a reality!

“Own It” is available in print through Amazon and elsewhere. it is also available as an ebook.

Visit David’s author page to learn more about him.

My Battlefield, Your Office: Leadership Lessons from the Front Lines

Freeze Time Media recently had the honor of working with The Constantine Group to publish “My Battlefield, Your Office: Leadership Lessons from the Front Lines.”

My Battlefield, Your Office

Every year, millions of managers and supervisors get promoted into management positions without learning how to successfully lead a team. As a result, many of them find themselves at the top of the corporate ladder while lacking the requisite training to lead. And even for those who have been leaders for a while, they may not truly understand why building their skills as managers should be their number one priority.

Aimed primarily at helping first-line supervisors and mid-level managers overcome leadership challenges, “My Battlefield, Your Office” is a senior-management must read. This book can also help up-and-coming managers who are taking on an increasing amount of responsibility where strong leadership skills are necessary.

Author Justin Constantine, a Marine lieutenant colonel who led a team of Marines in Iraq, shares invaluable lessons that are critical to surviving and succeeding, both on the frontline and in the workplace. His biggest personal challenge was overcoming an injury that should have killed him: a calamitous gunshot wound to the head by an enemy sniper in Iraq.

We all experience adversity in our lives, at home, as leaders in our communities and in the workplace. Constantine’s Marine training helped him survive and thrive and he shares these survival tips in “My Battlefield, Your Office.” Through frontline analogies and specific personal experiences, Constantine translates the leadership skills he gained in the Marine Corps and while on the frontline into everyday language business leaders can understand.

“My Battlefield, Your Office” includes 15 impactful and easy-to-read chapters. Each section focuses on specific leadership skills and leaves the reader with key takeaways by laying out five guiding principles: 1) Why taking care of your team should be your number one priority; 2) Defining what it means to lead from the front; 3) How change means opportunity; 4) Why it’s okay to ask for help; and 5) Why taking responsibility for your actions is key.

Visit Justin Constantine’s Author Page to learn more about him.


A Journey with God: Taking the Road Less Traveled

Freeze Time Media recently published “A Journey with God: Taking The Road Less Traveled,” by Rev. Burle Mattingly. When Burle Mattingly was a young boy, World War II was always in front of him, in the troop trains that passed by on the railroad close to his home or the military planes in the air above him. He would join them in flying his plane from the high limbs of the silver maple in the front yard. A cold, foggy, misty day was no day for flying B-29s or fighter planes from the maple tree, so he decided to go to the barn loft and play. He began making tunnels through the stacks of hay bales. Coming out the back of a large stack, he slid down into a brilliant light all around him. He fell on his face. He was in the presence of divinity. Finally, a person began talking to him: “Burle, your life will be given in witness to me. Your life will not be lived out according to your desire or will. God’s will and purpose will be what you will do.” Burle answered, “I do not want to be a minister and follow the pathway of my ancestors. I want to be a pilot, or a wise philosopher, or an attorney like Clarence Darrow.” He responded, “Your calling, your vocation is to be a witness to God, and I will be the decision maker in your life. This is your calling, this is your life,” and he departed. For years, Burle wandered around in the wilderness, refusing to do God’s will. The day finally came when he stood at the fork in the road, looking down both roads. He took the one less traveled, and this is the story of his life.

Visit Burle Mattingly’s author page to learn more about him.


The Book of GEET

Freeze Time Media released published “The Book of GEET: Book One: Basic Science,” by Paul Pantone. 

The Book of GEET

THE BOOK OF GEET is not just another science book. It delves into many aspects of freeing the world from pollution and energy control. I stopped counting the number of discoveries attributed to GEET in 2003. Back then, there were over 100. I thought it was time to validate all I could for students around the world and people like me who are looking for answers but could not find them in the conventional books available through a library or university. If you have sought the answers to clean air and water with an unlimited supply of energy and could not find them, I am hoping you will find exactly that within the contents of this book. Some of the discoveries occurred over a hundred years ago. Where did the books go that had this knowledge? Did they simply vanish? Were they destroyed? We may never know the truth, but it is not relevant today. What is important is we cannot forget this knowledge. I hope others can expound upon it. If I can pioneer the road to clean, fresh air and clean water by showing you how to reduce emissions from every single piece of equipment on the planet that uses fuel, even if only by 10 percent, this would be a major accomplishment. Some of the things you will learn in this text will show you that 100 percent reduction in pollution is possible, and it has been accomplished.

Visit Paul Pantone’s Author Page to learn more about him.


Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken

Freeze Time Media released “Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken” on May 7, 2015.

Wake Up Bitch Front Cover May 6

“Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken” is a humorous look at the patients and staff at a state-run mental health hospital. Whether divinely driven or by serendipitous happenstance, John R. Booth, after a career in the pharmaceutical business, found himself working as a social worker at the largest mental health facility in his state. In his first book, Booth chronicles stories of some of his most memorable patients. His preconceptions of what the patients would be like began an almost immediate transformation upon his arrival. He had heard all the stories and seen all the movies that depicted these souls as dangerous mental defectives and was sure that his life expectancy would take a turn for the worse with prolonged exposure to the “crazy cooties” he knew they must be infested with. The first day his ideas of mental illness began the transformation from shock and revulsion to seeing humor in the patients’ distorted reality and their reactions and adaptation to this reality. Some patients were truly scary and dangerous. Sometimes they would say funny things, and other times they would say things funny. Dan, Poor Pitiful Paul, Doug the Firebug, and all the others are real patients, with real problems, who are really funny, if you just look for it. Whether it is midgets in the walls, misunderstood English, fast-talking Gilbert, or the psychobabble of Nurse Kiki, rest assured, you will not “sleep right through it.” This easy read will keep you turning pages, give you a new view of the mentally ill, put a smile on your face, and, in the end, you’ll see why John believes that his patients are some of the most precious people on earth.

The book is available on Amazon as paperback and an ebook.

Visit John R Booth’s Author Page to learn more about him.

One Child at a Time: The Mission of CASA

Freeze Time Media released “One Child at a Time: The Mission of a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)” on December 11, 2014.

One Child Freeze Time Blog

When children are taken from their family, due to abuse or neglect, they enter the custody of social services and are put into a foster home. Some of these children are lucky enough to be given a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). “One Child at a Time: The Mission of a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)” shares the experiences of CASAs working to give children a voice in court, and a chance to return to a safe home, or to find a new forever home. First, you will meet Kelly, an engaging three-year-old that told her CASA the first time they met, “The people came and took me away from my mommy and daddy. I was crying and crying. I had to go and see a doctor. The doctor gave me a stuffed animal to make me feel better, but it didn’t help.” The words of this small child floored the author. She seemed to have a better understanding of her feelings than many children much older. It’s no wonder that the author would become Kelly’s biggest advocate. The second section of the book is a compilation of experiences and feelings from a variety of CASA volunteers. All kinds of people do this work; the only requirement is a love for children. Volunteers are trained for two weeks before starting a case. Along the way, when questions or concerns arise, each volunteer has a supervisor from the CASA office that they can turn to for advice and a listening ear. The joy of seeing a child find the happiness and security each one deserves is an experience that fills a CASA’s heart with their own joy and happiness. It is the reason CASAs become hooked from the moment they take a case and meet their children.

Visit Yolanda Bryant’s Author Page to learn more about her.


In the Cockpit with Clay Lacy (Passion for Flight Book 5)

In the Cockpit with Clay Lacy is the fifth volume in Passion for Flight, a series of short biographies by Di Freeze regarding notable pilots who inspire young and old alike to take to the skies.

Clay Lacy Cover Freeze Time Blog

The founder of Clay Lacy Aviation, one of the world’s premier business aviation companies, Clay has flown more than 300 aircraft types and has logged more than 50,000 flight hours, accumulating more hours flying turbine aircraft than any other pilot.
Lacy holds 29 current world speed records. He’s accumulated more than 50,000 flight hours, logging those hours in military and test flying, air racing, aerial photography, aircraft sales, and a four-decade career with United.
His involvement in aviation has led him to meet many interesting people, including aviation legends, presidents, and celebrities. In these pages, you will read about many of those people, including Jack Conroy, Allen Paulson, Bill Lear, Frank Sinatra, Sydney Pollack, Danny Kaye, Bruce McCaw, and Joe Clark.


Passion for Flight Vol. 4: In the Cockpit with Barron Hilton

In the Cockpit with Barron HiltonIn the Cockpit with Barron Hilton is now available in print and as an ebook. The book is the fourth volume in Passion for Flight, a series of short biographies regarding notable pilots who inspire young and old alike to take to the skies.

Barron Hilton is the retired chairman, president, and CEO of Hilton Hotels Corporation. He became fascinated by aviation when he was a child and learned to fly when he was 17. Regarded by many as the “patron saint” of sport aviation, his involvement includes founding the Hilton Cup, an international soaring competition, and sponsoring Earthwinds Hilton and Global Hilton, both efforts to circumnavigate the earth in a manned balloon.

He received the Gold Air Medal of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale in 2009 and was inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame in 2012 for his lifetime support of aviation. He owns a Cessna Citation V Ultra, a restored Beech Staggerwing, a vintage Bull Stearman, a Bellanca Super Decathlon, five gliders, two tow planes, three hot air balloons — and until recently — an Extra 300 and an MD 500-E helicopter. Before he retired from the cockpit in 2012, he flew them all.

A special Amazon edition of In the Cockpit with Barron Hilton is available in full color on white paper, 6.69” x 9.61,” 160 pages, with 50 pictures. Most interior pictures are in color; however, some vintage photographs are in black and white. In the Cockpit with Barron Hilton will soon be available in an economical black and white version.

Electronic versions are available through Gumroad, Amazon KindleBarnes and Noble and the iBookstore.

Visit Di Freeze’s Amazon page to see other books in this series.

Kaleidoscope of Tales: Humor, Romance, Drama — All of the Above

Freeze Time Media recently released “Kaleidoscope of Tales: Humor, Romance, Drama — All of the Above.”

Kaleidoscope of Tales

The book of short stories includes a variety of subjects to entertain adult readers. It contains elements of humor, as in “Almost Perfect,” the remaining optimism of one who chronicles his physical ailments, and “Mother’s Day Gifts,” a hilarious story of a man’s experience with a wife and a girlfriend with a surprise ending.

The romantic at heart will enjoy “Rebirth,” the heartwarming story of newfound love for a widow of two years, and “A New Beginning,” the bizarre results of a dating-service utilization. Stories of a dramatic nature include “Willie’s Dream,” a true story about a legendary NFL quarterback who took time to make a dying boy’s dream come true, and “Demons,” an actual tragic story of the demise of a PGA tour golf caddy.

The stories are both fiction and nonfiction and should appeal to all ages and both genders. Many of the stories have won awards in literary competitions. Notes follow each story from the author detailing what inspired the story.

“Kaleidoscope of Tales” is available in print from Amazon. The ebook is available from various sources, including Amazon, the iBookstore and Barnes and Noble.

Visit Mickey Jordan’s Author Page to learn more about him.