Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken

Freeze Time Media released “Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken” on May 7, 2015.

Wake Up Bitch Front Cover May 6

“Wake Up Bitch and Fix Me Some Chicken” is a humorous look at the patients and staff at a state-run mental health hospital. Whether divinely driven or by serendipitous happenstance, John R. Booth, after a career in the pharmaceutical business, found himself working as a social worker at the largest mental health facility in his state. In his first book, Booth chronicles stories of some of his most memorable patients. His preconceptions of what the patients would be like began an almost immediate transformation upon his arrival. He had heard all the stories and seen all the movies that depicted these souls as dangerous mental defectives and was sure that his life expectancy would take a turn for the worse with prolonged exposure to the “crazy cooties” he knew they must be infested with. The first day his ideas of mental illness began the transformation from shock and revulsion to seeing humor in the patients’ distorted reality and their reactions and adaptation to this reality. Some patients were truly scary and dangerous. Sometimes they would say funny things, and other times they would say things funny. Dan, Poor Pitiful Paul, Doug the Firebug, and all the others are real patients, with real problems, who are really funny, if you just look for it. Whether it is midgets in the walls, misunderstood English, fast-talking Gilbert, or the psychobabble of Nurse Kiki, rest assured, you will not “sleep right through it.” This easy read will keep you turning pages, give you a new view of the mentally ill, put a smile on your face, and, in the end, you’ll see why John believes that his patients are some of the most precious people on earth.

The book is available on Amazon as paperback and an ebook.

Visit John R Booth’s Author Page to learn more about him.

The Darkest Night: A Novel on Reconstruction in the South

Freeze Time Media released “The Darkest Night: A Novel on Reconstruction in the South” on May 5, 2015. 

Darkest Night Front Cover

Author Joe Poindexter follows three disappointed Confederate soldiers as they leave for home in Arkansas after the last Civil War battle in North Carolina. As the three friends travel the poor country roads back west, they are exposed to the ravaged South and most of the major problems of the early Reconstruction period. The men observe the ruined Southland, the burned homes, farms, and plantations. They encounter homeless whites and numerous bands of wandering, freed Afro–Americans, all poor and hungry. Cruel Union soldiers and lawless Rebel soldiers, including deserters, only make things worse. And very quickly, the travelers realize that a new force has developed in their beloved Southland. The Ku Klux Klan has begun to fill the lawless void in the South. The question: is the Klan an ally or an enemy? Earl Forrest, with his wife, Emily, and a small daughter in Helena, Arkansas, worries constantly about his small family and their welfare. Al Emerson meets a beautiful, young woman who was raped during the war. She has a black child. But in love, he swears to return to Georgia in the immediate future and marry his new love, Rachel. The third soldier, Murlan Skidoff, known to his friends as “Squirrel,” worries about his older mother, father, and older sister, Mavis, and whether they survived the war. And finally, a black Rebel, Jim Washington, befriended by the white Rebs, will join up with the men and become a dear friend as they move back to their homes in Arkansas. Jim wonders how his mammy, a slave cook on an Arkansas plantation, is surviving after being freed. The four men will definitely come to realize that the Reconstruction era is one of the darkest periods in the history of the Southern United States.

This book is available through Amazon as a paperback and an ebook.

This is Joe’s third book. He is also the author of “Blue: A Novel on the Civil War,” and “A Divided State: A Civil War Novel.”

Visit Joe’s Author Page to learn more about him.

Living My Dream

Freeze Time Media released “Living My Dream: From Zero to 41,000 Feet” on March 31, 2015. 

Living My Dream Front Cover Title Change

“It was that familiar feeling again of leaving yet another place we had once called home, just before the landlord came to evict us. Only this time it was my mother, my sister, and me. In the past we had looked to my stepfather for guidance. Now we had to make it on our own.” Born into struggling circumstances in Mexico City in 1931, Don would soon learn from his mother, “We may be broke, but we are never poor.” As a child and young teen living with his mother and sister, Don would live through many days of only one meal, or in some instances, no meals. From the dark side of hunger, he began to dream what many would term the impossible dream. Just before he turned 18, Don discovered that he had been a citizen of the United States since birth. He immediately traveled across the border to start a new life. A life he had only been able to dream about as a young, determined thirteen-year-old living in Mexico City.

The paperback book is available through Amazon.

Visit Donald Smith’s Author Page to learn more about him.


One Child at a Time: The Mission of CASA

Freeze Time Media released “One Child at a Time: The Mission of a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)” on December 11, 2014.

One Child Freeze Time Blog

When children are taken from their family, due to abuse or neglect, they enter the custody of social services and are put into a foster home. Some of these children are lucky enough to be given a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). “One Child at a Time: The Mission of a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA)” shares the experiences of CASAs working to give children a voice in court, and a chance to return to a safe home, or to find a new forever home. First, you will meet Kelly, an engaging three-year-old that told her CASA the first time they met, “The people came and took me away from my mommy and daddy. I was crying and crying. I had to go and see a doctor. The doctor gave me a stuffed animal to make me feel better, but it didn’t help.” The words of this small child floored the author. She seemed to have a better understanding of her feelings than many children much older. It’s no wonder that the author would become Kelly’s biggest advocate. The second section of the book is a compilation of experiences and feelings from a variety of CASA volunteers. All kinds of people do this work; the only requirement is a love for children. Volunteers are trained for two weeks before starting a case. Along the way, when questions or concerns arise, each volunteer has a supervisor from the CASA office that they can turn to for advice and a listening ear. The joy of seeing a child find the happiness and security each one deserves is an experience that fills a CASA’s heart with their own joy and happiness. It is the reason CASAs become hooked from the moment they take a case and meet their children.

Visit Yolanda Bryant’s Author Page to learn more about her.


Blue: A Novel on the Civil War

Freeze Time Media released “Blue: A Novel on the Civil War,” a historical fiction novel by Joe Poindexter, on July 2, 2014.

Blue Cover Freeze Time Blog

In 1860, David Lofland and his family, residents of Hickory Flats, Tennessee, relocated to Arkansas. Before the move to Bluffton, Arkansas, David’s love, the beautiful Lillie Mashburn, was enticed to marry the local parson, Reverend Claxton. The long trip to Arkansas yields even more disappointments. The depressed nineteen-year-old, finding little joy in life, ultimately joins the Confederate Army, in February 1862. He’s sent to White Sulfur Springs training camp to prepare for the war. During the short training period, David meets two other young men, Lum and Squirrel, and they become close friends. The three men and the new 24th Arkansas Regiment are sent to Fort Hindman at Arkansas Post, Arkansas.

The heartache of losing Lillie, along with a series of other disappointments that David experiences, cause him to seriously question his faith and belief in God. If that’s not enough, the 24th Arkansas Regiment suffers serious losses, as the Confederates face heavy odds in 1863. The young Arkansans, upon being captured at the fall of Fort Hindman, are sent to Camp Douglas, the notorious Union prisoner-of-war camp near Chicago.

Find out how David learns to overcome grief, bitterness, and tragedy throughout his struggles.


Freeze Time Media published Joe’s first novel, “A Divided State: A Civil War Novel,” in March 2014.

Visit Joe’s Author Page to learn more about him.

In the Cockpit with Clay Lacy (Passion for Flight Book 5)

In the Cockpit with Clay Lacy is the fifth volume in Passion for Flight, a series of short biographies by Di Freeze regarding notable pilots who inspire young and old alike to take to the skies.

Clay Lacy Cover Freeze Time Blog

The founder of Clay Lacy Aviation, one of the world’s premier business aviation companies, Clay has flown more than 300 aircraft types and has logged more than 50,000 flight hours, accumulating more hours flying turbine aircraft than any other pilot.
Lacy holds 29 current world speed records. He’s accumulated more than 50,000 flight hours, logging those hours in military and test flying, air racing, aerial photography, aircraft sales, and a four-decade career with United.
His involvement in aviation has led him to meet many interesting people, including aviation legends, presidents, and celebrities. In these pages, you will read about many of those people, including Jack Conroy, Allen Paulson, Bill Lear, Frank Sinatra, Sydney Pollack, Danny Kaye, Bruce McCaw, and Joe Clark.


Passion for Flight Vol. 4: In the Cockpit with Barron Hilton

In the Cockpit with Barron HiltonIn the Cockpit with Barron Hilton is now available in print and as an ebook. The book is the fourth volume in Passion for Flight, a series of short biographies regarding notable pilots who inspire young and old alike to take to the skies.

Barron Hilton is the retired chairman, president, and CEO of Hilton Hotels Corporation. He became fascinated by aviation when he was a child and learned to fly when he was 17. Regarded by many as the “patron saint” of sport aviation, his involvement includes founding the Hilton Cup, an international soaring competition, and sponsoring Earthwinds Hilton and Global Hilton, both efforts to circumnavigate the earth in a manned balloon.

He received the Gold Air Medal of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale in 2009 and was inducted into the International Air & Space Hall of Fame in 2012 for his lifetime support of aviation. He owns a Cessna Citation V Ultra, a restored Beech Staggerwing, a vintage Bull Stearman, a Bellanca Super Decathlon, five gliders, two tow planes, three hot air balloons — and until recently — an Extra 300 and an MD 500-E helicopter. Before he retired from the cockpit in 2012, he flew them all.

A special Amazon edition of In the Cockpit with Barron Hilton is available in full color on white paper, 6.69” x 9.61,” 160 pages, with 50 pictures. Most interior pictures are in color; however, some vintage photographs are in black and white. In the Cockpit with Barron Hilton will soon be available in an economical black and white version.

Electronic versions are available through Gumroad, Amazon KindleBarnes and Noble and the iBookstore.

Visit Di Freeze’s Amazon page to see other books in this series.

A Divided State: A Civil War Novel

Freeze Time Media recently released “A Divided State: A Civil War Novel.” Gravelly, Arkansas, was not too different from most small, towns in rural Arkansas. For the most part, there was not a great disparity in terms of wealth between the mostly lower middle class and a sizable lower class. Though poor, and largely uneducated, the hardworking Yell County residents were able to scratch out a living in the rocky soil of the Fourche River Valley. Cotton, the cash crop of the South, allowed most families to live reasonably happy, rewarding lives.

Though backward by some standards, the people were, for the most part, honest, hardworking, and God fearing. The standard of living was improving for most, and a brighter future lay ahead. Few people ever left Yell County and moved away. Most grew up there, got little education, selected a Yell County mate, bore children, worked hard, died, and were buried in one of the cemeteries. Since the industrious natives seldom had time for visiting and fellowship, they always enjoyed the occasional gatherings, whether church, revival, sale day, or even funerals or wakes. A segregated society existed, yet some knew not why since there were almost no blacks in Yell County. Of course, very few whites could have afforded to own a slave.

Beginning on May 6, 1861, life would begin to drastically change for most people in Yell County. Secession from the Union would change everything. Four young men, fast friends, would join the state militia. The four friends, all from slightly different social–economic levels and backgrounds, would become soldiers and prepare for the approaching invasion of Arkansas by Federal troops. From a training base at Van Buren, Arkansas, the Arkansas militia would march north to meet a Federal army moving down from Springfield, Missouri. The battle, on March 6-7, 1862, would be the largest Civil War battle fought west of the Mississippi River. The battle would result in a divided state of Arkansas, with a Federal capital at Little Rock and a Confederate capital at Washington, Arkansas.

“A Divided State: A Civil War Novel” is available in print from Amazon. The ebook is available from various sources, including Amazon, the iBookstore and Barnes and Noble.

Visit Joe’s Author Page to learn more about him.






Kaleidoscope of Tales: Humor, Romance, Drama — All of the Above

Freeze Time Media recently released “Kaleidoscope of Tales: Humor, Romance, Drama — All of the Above.”

Kaleidoscope of Tales

The book of short stories includes a variety of subjects to entertain adult readers. It contains elements of humor, as in “Almost Perfect,” the remaining optimism of one who chronicles his physical ailments, and “Mother’s Day Gifts,” a hilarious story of a man’s experience with a wife and a girlfriend with a surprise ending.

The romantic at heart will enjoy “Rebirth,” the heartwarming story of newfound love for a widow of two years, and “A New Beginning,” the bizarre results of a dating-service utilization. Stories of a dramatic nature include “Willie’s Dream,” a true story about a legendary NFL quarterback who took time to make a dying boy’s dream come true, and “Demons,” an actual tragic story of the demise of a PGA tour golf caddy.

The stories are both fiction and nonfiction and should appeal to all ages and both genders. Many of the stories have won awards in literary competitions. Notes follow each story from the author detailing what inspired the story.

“Kaleidoscope of Tales” is available in print from Amazon. The ebook is available from various sources, including Amazon, the iBookstore and Barnes and Noble.

Visit Mickey Jordan’s Author Page to learn more about him.

Common Sense For Today’s America

Freeze Time Media recently released “Common Sense for Today’s America,” which shows that there are practical ways of solving the ongoing issues Americans face today.

Common Sense For Today's America

The book covers government and politics, but also looks at family life, education, church, God, sports, and pretty much anything that makes people feel frustrated and wondering what happened to the American Dream.

Often with humor, Common Sense for Today’s America turns the most complex problems upside down and looks at them with the perspective of real solutions that do not adhere to any one philosophy or bias. JJ McKeever gives readers a chance to sit back and look at little excerpts of life that are happening in the United States today. A common topic is what goes on in our nation’s capital with President Obama and Congress.

While conservative in nature, Mr. McKeever is ready to give credit when due to liberals and Democrats and is ready to blast the Republicans when they get in their own way…which happens way too often. One of the biggest themes in Common Sense for Today’s America is that it is never all one side or the other that is responsible for the problems, or who has the perfect solution. America was founded on compromise; otherwise they would still be debating the Declaration of Independence! This is an intelligent vision of how to tackle our biggest issues, and you will often be laughing while reading them. This same philosophy permeates all other subjects.

While a Christian, JJ McKeever holds other belief systems in total respect while showing how religion can lose sight of both God and people. In a world where education is paramount, the dysfunctional way America sometimes tackles our education issues are brought to light. The importance of family and parents in their kids’ lives is also a common theme. This is all addressed with the idea that the United States is a great country and there is no reason why the American Dream cannot be a beacon for everyone to shoot for again. While our problems in America can be complex, the solutions can be relatively simple if people took time to actually listen to each other. Common Sense for Today’s America is to be enjoyed…and hopefully to make the reader think. We have a wonderful country…let’s keep it going for another few hundred years! Common Sense is available in print from Amazon. The ebook is available from various sources, including the iBookstore and Barnes and Noble.

Visit JJ McKeever’s Author Page to learn more about him.