When Lightning Strikes Twice

WHEN LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE is an inspirational story about a mother and daughter diagnosed with cancer six weeks apart. The book, by Gina Elkon Rubin, journals the family’s long journey to recovery, and how they were able to come out on top with the support of family and friends.

Published by Freeze Time Media, When Lightning Strikes Twice is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and elsewhere. It’s also available as an ebook n Amazon and through other outlets.

Visit Gina Elkon Rubin’s author page.

How I Beat Pancreatic Cancer: And Other Bedtime Stories

“How I Beat Pancreatic Cancer: And Other Bedtime Stories,” written by Robert Miller and published by Freeze Time Media, is a roadmap to help pancreatic cancer patients get into the battle with their doctors to fight this terrible disease. The advice is not only for pancreatic cancer patients but for any cancer patients.

This is Robert Miller’s first book. Visit his author page to learn more about him. The book is available from Amazon in print and as an ebook, at BarnesandNoble.com and elsewhere.