The Adventures of Ava and Addison: The Talent Show

Every year at school, a talent show was held for all the students. Ava and Addison always went with their mom and dad to watch the other kids perform. This year, they decided they wanted to participate. Now, they just need to decide what to do. Their best friend, Eva, will help them make that decision.

“The Adventures of Ava and Addison: The Talent Show,” written by Ellen Pfaff and illustrated by Cristal Baldwin, is available as a hardcover and ebook from Amazon, and as a hardcover from

Visit Ellen’s page to learn more about her. Visit Cristal’s illustration page to learn more about her.

The Adventures of Ava and Addison: A Very Special Christmas


Two weeks before Christmas Day, Ava and Addison started planning what they should give their friends and family. But this year wasn’t going to be like past years. They wanted the presents they gave their family and friends to be very special.

“The Adventures of Ava and Addison: A Very Special Christmas,” written by Ellen Pfaff and illustrated by Cristal Baldwin, is available as a hardcover and ebook from Amazon, and as a hardcover from

Visit Ellen’s page to learn more about her. Visit Cristal’s illustration page to learn more about her.

The Adventures of Ava and Addison: The Missing Baby Monkey

Ava and Addison’s mom works at the zoo. One day when they visited her, they found out Mama Monkey was missing her baby. She was so worried. Where could he be? Ava and Addison quickly decided to help her find him.

“The Adventures of Ava and Addison: The Missing Baby Monkey,” written by Ellen Pfaff and illustrated by Cristal Baldwin, is available as a hardcover and ebook from Amazon, and as a hardcover and Nook book from It is also available in the iBookstore and through other print and ebook retailers.

Visit Ellen’s page to learn more about her. Visit Cristal’s illustration page to learn more about her.

Speaking Hearts

Author Ellen Pfaff collected these poems and letters from children and adults of all ages. It’s her desire that they will help other people and let them know they are not alone. Her hope is also that when parents read these poems and letters, they might think twice about their own relationship with their children and get more involved in their lives.

Speaking Hearts, published by Freeze Time Media in June 2018, is available as a paperback and as an ebook from Amazon and elsewhere.

Visit Ellen’s page to learn more about her.

Hide n’ Seek With Grandma (New Children’s Book)

It’s always fun when Grandma plays with her granddaughters, Hailey and Leslie. Today the game is Hide n’ Seek. Can they manage to pick a perfect spot to hide?

Hide n’ Seek with Grandma, written by Ellen Pfaff and illustrated by Cristal Baldwin, is available as a hardcover, ebook, and as a coloring book.

Visit Cristal’s illustration page to learn more about her. Visit Ellen’s page to learn more about her.