Fruit Family

Freeze Time Media recently worked with Anew Martin to publish, “Fruit Family,” a book that helps children learn to count from one to ten, in a fun way. They learn colors and relate them to associated fruit.

The book, with illustrations by Cristal Baldwin, also takes children around the world and helps them identify different members within the family dynamic.

The book is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and elsewhere.

To learn about Anew, visit her author page. Visit Cristal’s page to learn more about her and to see what other books she’s illustrated.

Common Sense For Today’s America

Freeze Time Media recently released “Common Sense for Today’s America,” which shows that there are practical ways of solving the ongoing issues Americans face today.

Common Sense For Today's America

The book covers government and politics, but also looks at family life, education, church, God, sports, and pretty much anything that makes people feel frustrated and wondering what happened to the American Dream.

Often with humor, Common Sense for Today’s America turns the most complex problems upside down and looks at them with the perspective of real solutions that do not adhere to any one philosophy or bias. JJ McKeever gives readers a chance to sit back and look at little excerpts of life that are happening in the United States today. A common topic is what goes on in our nation’s capital with President Obama and Congress.

While conservative in nature, Mr. McKeever is ready to give credit when due to liberals and Democrats and is ready to blast the Republicans when they get in their own way…which happens way too often. One of the biggest themes in Common Sense for Today’s America is that it is never all one side or the other that is responsible for the problems, or who has the perfect solution. America was founded on compromise; otherwise they would still be debating the Declaration of Independence! This is an intelligent vision of how to tackle our biggest issues, and you will often be laughing while reading them. This same philosophy permeates all other subjects.

While a Christian, JJ McKeever holds other belief systems in total respect while showing how religion can lose sight of both God and people. In a world where education is paramount, the dysfunctional way America sometimes tackles our education issues are brought to light. The importance of family and parents in their kids’ lives is also a common theme. This is all addressed with the idea that the United States is a great country and there is no reason why the American Dream cannot be a beacon for everyone to shoot for again. While our problems in America can be complex, the solutions can be relatively simple if people took time to actually listen to each other. Common Sense for Today’s America is to be enjoyed…and hopefully to make the reader think. We have a wonderful country…let’s keep it going for another few hundred years! Common Sense is available in print from Amazon. The ebook is available from various sources, including the iBookstore and Barnes and Noble.

Visit JJ McKeever’s Author Page to learn more about him.