The Book of GEET

Freeze Time Media released published “The Book of GEET: Book One: Basic Science,” by Paul Pantone. 

The Book of GEET

THE BOOK OF GEET is not just another science book. It delves into many aspects of freeing the world from pollution and energy control. I stopped counting the number of discoveries attributed to GEET in 2003. Back then, there were over 100. I thought it was time to validate all I could for students around the world and people like me who are looking for answers but could not find them in the conventional books available through a library or university. If you have sought the answers to clean air and water with an unlimited supply of energy and could not find them, I am hoping you will find exactly that within the contents of this book. Some of the discoveries occurred over a hundred years ago. Where did the books go that had this knowledge? Did they simply vanish? Were they destroyed? We may never know the truth, but it is not relevant today. What is important is we cannot forget this knowledge. I hope others can expound upon it. If I can pioneer the road to clean, fresh air and clean water by showing you how to reduce emissions from every single piece of equipment on the planet that uses fuel, even if only by 10 percent, this would be a major accomplishment. Some of the things you will learn in this text will show you that 100 percent reduction in pollution is possible, and it has been accomplished.

Visit Paul Pantone’s Author Page to learn more about him.